rss-filter ========== - - - - This script aggregates and filters rss feeds to output only desired items as a single feed. - Configuration files use the xml extension. - Configuration files must be placed in `./config/` - example: `./config/customFeed.xml` - You can create multiple configuration files - A configuration file is loaded by calling the `config` parameter with the configuration filename without extension - example: `rss-filter/?config=customFeed` - A configuration file sample is available at `./example.xml` - Configuration keywords are case sensitive, details below. Configuration structure ----------------------- ```` ```` Configuration keywords ---------------------- - `config` - root element - appears only once in entire document - `title` - sets the title of the output feed - appears only once within `config` - `ruleSet` - a configuration block - can occur multiple times within `config` - `source` - a url pointing to a rss feed - can occur multiple times within `ruleSet` - `timeout` - how long to wait for a source - this is any number above zero - `userAgent` - adds a user agent to the http request for the source - `titleDuplicateRemove` - value: true|false, default: false - appears only once within `ruleSet` - when this is set to `true`, if multiple items from sources share the same title, only the most recent is kept - `linkDuplicateRemove` - value: true|false, default: false - appears only once within `ruleSet` - when this is set to `true`, if multiple items from sources share the same link, only the most recent is kept - `rules` - a block of rules - can occur multiple times within `ruleSet` - `titleMatch` - a regular expression usable by PCRE (preg_*), ex: `/(foo|bar)/siu` - when at least one `titleMatch` matches the title of an item from one of the sources, the item is kept - this works like the logical operator `OR` - `titleMatchNot` - a regular expression usable by PCRE (preg_*), ex: `/(foo|bar)/siu` - when at least one `titleMatchNot` matches the title of an item from one of the sources, the item is discarded - this works like the logical operator `AND NOT` - `titleMatchMust` - a regular expression usable by PCRE (preg_*), ex: `/(foo|bar)/siu` - when at least one `titleMatchMust` doesn't match the title of an item from one of the sources, the item is discarded - this works like the logical operator `AND` - `descriptionMatch` - a regular expression usable by PCRE (preg_*), ex: `/(foo|bar)/siu` - when at least one `descriptionMatch` matches the description of an item from one of the sources, the item is kept - this works like the logical operator `OR` - `descriptionMatchNot` - a regular expression usable by PCRE (preg_*), ex: `/(foo|bar)/siu` - when at least one `descriptionMatchNot` matches the description of an item from one of the sources, the item is discarded - this works like the logical operator `AND NOT` - `descriptionMatchMust` - a regular expression usable by PCRE (preg_*), ex: `/(foo|bar)/siu` - when at least one `descriptionMatchMust` doesn't match the description of an item from one of the sources, the item is discarded - this works like the logical operator `AND` - `categoryMatch` - a regular expression usable by PCRE (preg_*), ex: `/(foo|bar)/siu` - when at least one `categoryMatch` matches any category of an item from one of the sources, the item is kept - this works like the logical operator `OR` - `categoryMatchNot` - a regular expression usable by PCRE (preg_*), ex: `/(foo|bar)/siu` - when at least one `categoryMatchNot` matches any category of an item from one of the sources, the item is discarded - this works like the logical operator `AND NOT` - `categoryMatchMust` - a regular expression usable by PCRE (preg_*), ex: `/(foo|bar)/siu` - when at least one `categoryMatchMust` doesn't match any category of an item from one of the sources, the item is discarded - this works like the logical operator `AND` - `before` - a string representing time than can be parsed by `strtotime()` - personally recommended format: `2014-12-31 23:59:59 +1200` - when an item pubDate is more recent than this, the item is discarded - `after` - a string representing time than can be parsed by `strtotime()` - personally recommended format: `2014-12-31 23:59:59 +1200` - when an item pubDate is older than this, the item is discarded - `olderThan` - a string representing a duration using a number followed by an optional quantifier, ex: `7d` - available quantifiers: - `s` for seconds - `m` for minutes - `h` for hours - `d` for days - default quantifier is `s` when omitted - when an item pubDate is more recent than the current time minus this duration, the item is discarded - `newerThan` - a string representing a duration using a number followed by an optional quantifier, ex: `7d` - available quantifiers: - `s` for seconds - `m` for minutes - `h` for hours - `d` for days - default quantifier is `s` when omitted - when an item pubDate is older than the current time minus this duration, the item is discarded Notes ----- - `rules` blocks only apply to items coming from the `source` elements within the same `ruletSet` block - keywords within a `rules` block only apply to that block, this is important to remember when using multiple `rules` block because while one block can exclude some items, another block can still include them - multiple identically named keywords can appear in one `rules` block - multiple `*MatchMust` keywords within one `rules` block are implicitly AND-connected, i.e. **all matches must be true** in order for a feed item to be added to the output - multiple `*MatchNot` keywords within one `rules` block are implicitly AND-NOT-connected, i.e. **all matches must be false** in order for a feed item to be added to the output - multiple `*Match` keywords within one `rules` block are implicitly OR-connected, i.e. **at least one match must be true** in order for a feed item to be added to the output - multiple `ruleSet` elements are implicitly OR-connected, i.e. **at least one `rules` block must be true** in order for a feed item to be added to the output Examples -------- ```` /red/ /army/ ```` The example above will return "red army" because the first `rules` block has already added the item to the output when the second `rules` block is evaluated. ```` /red/ /army/ ```` The example above will not return "red army". ```` /red/ /army/ /.*/ ```` The example above will also return "red army" because even though the first `rules` block has discarded the item, the second one will match it. It is possible to remove unused keywords, as in the example below: ```` ````