Out of curiosity, I searched around to get a vague idea of the mouse sensitivity used by the average gamer. While by no means exhaustive, I found the following:
- [Results: Survey of Mouse Distance to to Turn 360 - epicgames.com][1]
- [how much cm for a 360? - hltv.org][2]
- [how many cm for a full 360° turn you have, and why you have stick to it? - quakeworld.nu][3]
While the Quake people do use higher sensitivities, based on these pages the average sensitivity is around 25 to 40 centimetres per 360 degrees, a result I find rather astonishing. By which I mean it is really slow, you've got to either move your whole arm or lift your mouse a few times to make a full circle. And some people go even lower, requiring more than a meter to spin around.
When it comes to mouse control, I'm a claw/fingertip grip kind of guy, it's all about wrist control and micro adjustments by flexing the fingers, the arm never moves.

Pictured above: a Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum RGB mouse.
Which prompted me to do some measurements, in millimetres per 360 degrees:
- 43 mm/360 / [Crysis (2007)][4]
- 39 mm/360 / [Tomb Raider (2013)][5]
- 27 mm/360 / [Dishonored (2012)][6]

Note the mistake when measuring Dishonored, it should read 27mm instead of 22mm.
I also understand why I am more likely to experience pixel skipping. It was quite noticeable in Tomb Raider until I lowered the ingame sensitivity and raised the mouse DPI, a tactic that doesn't seem to work so well in Crysis.
In conclusion, those low sensitivities are rather baffling to me, it must be exhausting to move so much.
[1]: https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/forums/unreal-tournament-discussion/ut-game-general-discussion/11913-results-survey-of-mouse-distance-to-to-turn-360
[2]: https://www.hltv.org/forums/threads/591345/how-much-cm-for-a-360
[3]: https://www.quakeworld.nu/forum/topic/5720/how-many-cm-for-a-full-360-turn-you-have-and-why-you-have-stick-to-it
[4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crysis_(video_game)
[5]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_Raider_(2013_video_game)
[6]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dishonored