2014-10-09 22:08:48 GMT

Release: html5 media toggle 20141009-2113 [Firefox addon]

>**Update 2015-07-27 00:28 +0000** Repositories <https://github.com/spenibus/html5-media-toggle-firefox-addon> <https://gitlab.com/spenibus/html5-media-toggle-firefox-addon> pre-packaged releases: <http://spenibus.net/files/gitbin/html5-media-toggle-firefox-addon/> --- Well, would you look at that, some code release. Download -- <http://spenibus.net/f/g/52/html5-media-toggle@spenibus-20141009-2113.xpi> Blabla -- So, this is a firefox addon that gives the user the ability to toggle media support within firefox with a simple button. It's nothing fancy, it basically enables/disables a bunch of prefs. Preview -- ![](http://spenibus.net/f/g/53/screenshot-20141009-235148-003385-addon-preview.png) We're done here, go away.