2014-10-11 21:57:05 GMT

Release: zoom monitor 20141011-2307 [Firefox addon]

>**Update 2015-07-27 00:22 +0000** Repositories <https://github.com/spenibus/zoom-monitor-firefox-addon> <https://gitlab.com/spenibus/zoom-monitor-firefox-addon> pre-packaged releases <http://spenibus.net/files/gitbin/zoom-monitor-firefox-addon/> --- Download: -- <http://spenibus.net/f/g/5a/zoom-monitor@spenibus-20141011-2307.xpi> Readme -- ````txt zoom monitor This is a firefox addon that allows the user to monitor the current zoom level. A menu is also available to change the current level of zoom. - "F" indicates full-page zoom. - "T" indicates text-only zoom. - The zoom selection list is based on the pref "toolkit.zoomManager.zoomValues". ```` ![](http://spenibus.net/f/g/5b/screenshot-20141011-235155-003390.png)