2014-11-08 02:06:35 GMT

Release: vertical tabs 20141108-0150 [Firefox addon]

>**Update 2015-07-27 00:12 +0000** Releases are now available here: <http://spenibus.net/files/gitbin/vertical-tabs-firefox-addon/> Another firefox addon. Download -- <http://spenibus.net/f/g/5l/vertical-tabs@spenibus-20141108-0150.xpi> About -- * This Firefox addon makes the tabbar vertical. Nothing else. * Toggle tabbar visibility with contextual menu or "ctrl + F8". * Styling is kept at a minimum to accomodate themes. * Styling can be improved further with userchrome.css. * A minimalist sample file is included at "extras/userChrome.css". Default look ![](http://spenibus.net/f/g/5n/screenshot-20141108-025837-003432.png) Minimalist look when using included userChrome.css ![](http://spenibus.net/f/g/5m/screenshot-20141108-023837-003431.png)