2015-01-17 06:09:59 GMT

Release: obs overlay 20150117-0550, an overlay for open broadcaster software

>**Update** See the illustrated guide here: [OBS Overlay - The illustrated guide](http://spenibus.net/b/p/p/OBS-Overlay-The-illustrated-guide) Description -- This is a customisable overlay for Open Broadcaster Software. <https://obsproject.com/> It requires the CLR Browser Source Plugin. <https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/clr-browser-source-plugin.22/> How it works -- * Core generate variables by reloading the configuration at a regular interval. * Plugins generate variables at a regular interval (when enabled). * Style is reloaded at a regular interval. When modifications are detected, the overlay is updated accordingly. This allows you to edit the configuration or the style without restarting the stream. Download -- <http://spenibus.net/f/g/6l/obs-overlay-20150117-0550.zip> **Note**: Consider downloading the files from one of the repositories to get the latest version. Source -- * <https://github.com/spenibus/obs-overlay-html-js> * <https://gitlab.com/spenibus/obs-overlay-html-js> ![](http://spenibus.net/f/g/6n/screenshot-20150117-070238-003519.jpg) ![](http://spenibus.net/f/g/6m/screenshot-20150117-070258-003522.jpg)